Book Review: The Blue Monsoon by Damyanti Biswas

About the Book:


A ritual murder at a Mumbai temple exposes the city’s dark secrets and ravages the personal life of a detective in this sequel to The Blue Bar.

Amid incessant rains pounding down on Mumbai, Senior Inspector Arnav Singh Rajput is called to a shocking crime scene. A male body is found dismembered on the steps of a Kaali temple. Drawn into his flesh are symbols of a tantra cult. The desecration of a body at a Hindu place of worship puts the city on edge and divides Arnav’s priorities: stopping a fanatic from killing again and caring for his wife who’s struggling through a challenging pregnancy.

Then video footage of the murder is uploaded onto the account of a Bollywood social media influencer, triggering twists in the investigation Arnav didn’t see coming. Caste systems at war. A priest under suspicion. And an anonymous threat that puts his wife’s welfare at risk. When more bodies are found, the savagery of the city begins to surface—and Arnav fears that no one is safe from a bigger storm brewing.

My Thoughts:

This is a dark crime thriller/ murder mystery that brings to the surface the truths of the caste system and various beliefs among people. It is horrifying but true and resonates very deeply. The story is gripping and pulls the reader into a rain filled journey through Mumbai as Senior Inspector Arnav tries to uncover the person or persons behind a string of murders which seem to have some religious connection as well as suspected underworld connections. This book follows the characters introduced in Book 1, The Blue Bar, but can be read as a standalone like I did. There are some brief references to events in the first book, but they eventually make sense as we read through The Blue Monsoon.

What can I say about the characters? They are diverse, interesting, intriguing with so many different shades and layers. It takes time to peel back each layer and author Damyanti does just that. It’s very hard not to develop a connection with each of the characters, each of them playing an important part in driving the plot. Tara is an example of the kind of strength we can only strive towards while Pia is your typical teenager who has been through something traumatic but is still able to move past it enough to live a normal life. She is surrounded by love and care and that is beautiful. I also formed a deep respect for Arnav and his way of thinking, the respect he has for people as well as his no-nonsense attitude. These are just some of the characters in the story and being the main ones, I have focused on them. The supporting characters (including a Bollywood social media influencer, an ex-cop, a priest, a tantric, workers at a hair factory and so on) are many and have their own purpose for being in this story. Each of them add a new layer to the plot as it progresses and reaches the climax.

The author has indeed done a lot of research to write about the police procedurals, religious and tantric beliefs, caste system and how people are treated as well as the lives of people in Mumbai, especially those who cannot afford most luxuries. It is devastating to read about their plight and life, but it’s something I believe we can learn from, especially their determination and drive. Another aspect is Tara’s condition and paralysis, how it affects her and those around her, her insecurities, the love of the people who care for her. The author has taken time to focus on these as well as each of the specific relationships in the book. There is a layer to all of it that remains with us even after finishing the book.

Having talked about the characters and various themes of the story, I would also like to comment on the author’s style of writing. The story is very well-written with a flow that will pull the reader in. The words seem to just flow off the page and into the mind of the reader, painting pictures of the events as they unfold and giving us enough perspective to imagine the characters as they move about or interact. This is truly a masterpiece of storytelling and a book I truly enjoyed despite the themes involved.

I highly recommend this book for all fans of Crime Thrillers and Murder mysteries. The Blue Monsoon is one for the shelves and TBRs, this is a must-read!

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