Review Policy and Submission Guidelines

Hello All,

Thank you for stopping by the blog. If you would like to submit your books for review or promotional purposes, please follow the following basic guidelines.

Please email all requests to

Book Reviews:

  • Please mention clearly in the subject line that this is for a review.
  • Please provide a blurb and links to the book on Goodreads/ Amazon or other sites based on availability.
  • If you require the review within a certain time frame, please mention the same and we can later discuss it.

Book Promotions:

  • For any kind of promotion other than reviews, please mention the same in the subject line and include information about the author and the books.
  • We are open to author interviews, promotions, cover reveals, release posts.

Genres accepted:

Fiction: Thrillers, Mystery, Action, Drama, Contemporary Romance, Clean Romance, Humour, Fantasy, YA, Middle Grade (to some extent), Historical.

Non-fiction: Memoirs, Biographies, Auto-biographies

In case you do not find your genre in this, please feel free to send an email anyway to check about review opportunities.

Note: All reviews posted are my own thoughts and opinion.