Book Review: The Lost Girl of Berlin by Ella Carey

About the Book:


The truck stopped for a moment in the freezing, bombed-out street and Kate caught sight of a little girl in a ragged dress on the steps of a once-beautiful mansion. The child’s eyes were startling blue, a pair of endless pools, drawing Kate towards her…

1946, Berlin. War correspondent Kate Mancini is in Germany, reporting on the aftermath of the devastating war. For her readers back home in New York, she tells the stories of innocent families, trying to rebuild the wreckage of their lives now the soldiers have left at last. But in the Russian-held sector of Berlin on an icy winter’s day, Kate breaks all the rules, rescuing Mia Stein, a silent orphan who she fears will otherwise perish.

Together with her fellow journalist, handsome Rick Shearer, Kate manages to find a safe house for Mia before she returns to America and vows to keep in touch. Back home, the reality of post-war life for women is stark. Whilst Rick walks into his dream job, no newspaper will hire a woman. The editors laugh her out of their offices, telling her to get married and raise a family. Rick does all he can to support her, as she takes her first steps towards the new medium of television news, and their friendship deepens into something more.

Then tragedy strikes: Rick is falsely named as a communist sympathizer. He is arrested, blacklisted and faces prison.

Kate knows she must do all she can to free the man she loves. But that means returning to Germany, to seek out the little orphan girl who is her only chance at salvation. Kate and Rick saved Mia—will she help them both now? And even if Kate succeeds, freedom might never be hers when she returns home…

My Thoughts:

I requested for and received a copy of this book via NetGalley. A huge thank you to Bookouture and the author. The below review reflects my honest opinion.

The Lost Girl of Berlin is a very well-written novel that is gripping and heart-wrenching. Set in the time post WWII, we are introduced to Kate, a journalist whose interests lie in all things post war and politics. She is dedicated and a great journalist, in a man’s world, fighting to make a place for herself. The book leads us to post was Berlin where we are introduced to various other journalists from America as well as a little girl sitting on the steps of a home that is now destroyed.

As Kate sets out to save this girl and find her truth, we are also introduced to Rick, a fellow journalist who steps in to help her out. Little do they know that this small good deed will go a very long way. The author gives us a glimpse into how the war affected the countries, people and their way of life. We also get a glimpse into the mind of the average American and the impacts on their lives. With a focus on the two main characters and glimpses into their families, this story is one of resilience and strength in one o the most difficult times.

I have read a lot of stories set during the WWII, but this is the first one that focuses on the world post war. This was refreshing and enlightening. It is heart breaking to read about everything that happened, but the most is little Mia’s story. The author brings in an unexpected twist towards the end that I honestly did not see coming, but one which brings this entire story together in the end.

I think the author has done a great job in portraying the lives of women and the expectations from them in society. Kate was indeed the first woman to present her pieces on radio and later on television. It was difficult to land a steady contract and no-one wanted a woman involved in writing or talking about political things. Taking all this in stride, Kate works hard to fight for her chance, she makes tough choices and along the way finds love, family and peace of some kind.

This is a wonderful story, but one that is based on so many truths and it is definitely an emotional read! I strongly recommend this for all fans of historical fiction and history as such!

Book Review: The Inn at Tansy Falls by Cate Woods

About the Book:


Dearest Nell, if you’re reading this letter, I’m already gone…

You’re my best friend in the world, and as my last request I’m asking you to lay me to rest hundreds of miles away, in my crazy gorgeous, totally one-of-a-kind hometown of Tansy Falls. I know you’re a born-and-bred city girl, but hear me out. After first losing Adrian, and then me… I know your heart is hurting, Nell. I think you’ll find that you need Tansy Falls as much as I do.

So, I’ve got it all planned out. For two weeks, you’ll be staying at the sweet, local inn and every day you’ll be trying something new. And if you follow my instructions to the letter, you may discover there’s more to my story than you think. A surprise something… or someone at the end of it? Only you can find out!

Some last advice before you set off, Nell. Don’t forget your sturdy boots and make sure to give Boomer, the inn’s resident dog, a belly rub from me. Stay well away from former quarterback Brody Knott (boy, do I have some stories about him!). And finally, let the future bring what it brings. While Tansy Falls may look small, I know better than anyone that new beginnings can be found in all kinds of places. That little Vermont town you’d never heard of? Well, it might suddenly begin to feel just like coming home…

If you love feel-good love stories by ReaAnne Thayne, Debbie Macomber and Robyn Carr, you’ll adore this gorgeous, heart-warming novel about starting over.

My Thoughts:

I requested for an received a copy of the book on NetGalley. A huge thank you to the author and publisher for approving this. The below thoughts are my own.

This is a wonderfully pleasant read with a slight tinge of sadness. What do you do when your best friend of forever is dying and on her deathbed gives you a task. In fact, it is a series of tasks! You follow them right? I mean this is how much you love the person that you would go against all your fears and go to a whole different continent to follow their instructions.

This is the premise of The Inn at Tansy Falls. Nell follows her best friend Megan’s letter to a T. All the rules, information, itinerary. She comes to Tansy Falls, a place her friend used to visit, meets people she once knew and many new ones and experiences a whole different world at this small town. As Nell embarks on this adventure, she forms new bonds and comes to care about people in a way she never did before, embracing a whole new beginning. At the end of this, Nell also just might find love and the kind of relationships with people she has always been looking for.

This is a well-written, sweet story that makes a simple evening all that more enjoyable. I loved reading about Nell, her determination is something that stood out to me. I also loved reading about some of the other women in this book, all of whom are strong characters and huge inspirations. I would definitely recommend this book for fans of Robyn Carr as Tansy Falls has it’s own little charm just like that of Virgin River! Do visit and say hi to the dogs too!

Wrap-Up: Books Read in April 2021

Hey guys! 

Here’s my wrap-up post for the Month of April!

I read 5 books in the month. This is low compared to my usual number, but I have been quite busy and was not able to spend a lot of time reading! But I am happy that my reading streak has not stopped.

I thoroughly enjoyed the below books and as you can see, I read a little more romance in the month when compared to other genres! I guess I just needed some light reading 🙂



Once again, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts or book recommendations! You can also just stop by to chat, I’m almost always around! 🙂

Wrap-Up: Books Read in March 2021

Hey guys! 

Here’s my wrap-up post for the Month of March! (A little late for this post, I know! But I have been busy and I lost track of these posts!)

I read 9 books in the month which is a major improvement! I am quite happy to have kept the reading streak going.

I thoroughly enjoyed the below books and as you can see, they span a whole lot of genres which kept me entertained.


Once Upon A [Broken] Time (Book 3)


Once again, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts or book recommendations! You can also just stop by to chat, I’m almost always around! 🙂

Wrap-Up: Books Read in February 2021

Hey guys! 

Here’s my wrap-up post for the Month of February!

I managed to read 5 books in the month which is quite quite slow compared to the first month.

But I am quite happy to have kept the reading streak going.

I thoroughly enjoyed the below books and as you can see, they span a whole lot of genres which kept me entertained.


The Henna Artist by Alka JoshiCurse Breaker by Audrey Grey Oath Taker by Audrey GreyWe're Moving Where?! by Glen BlackwellThe Watchmaker of Dachau by Carly Schabowski



Once again, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts or book recommendations! You can also just stop by to chat, I’m almost always around! 🙂

Books to Read (TBR list) – February 2021

Hello All,

In this post, I have made a tentative list of books that I plan to read in February. This is just an initial list, I am not sure how many more I might end up reading!

Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts, feedback or recommendations!

  • The Sigil by Shakail Kanish

The Sigil: A Novel - Part I


Genre: LGBTQ+ Dark Urban Fantasy

Release date: 4th March 2021

I received a copy of the book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

I was intrigued by the concept of the book and am looking forward to reading it!



  • Pawns Gambit by Rob J. Hayes

Pawn's Gambit (A Mortal Techniques novel)


Genre: Fantasy Fiction

Release date: 26th Jan 2021

I received a copy of the book from the author in exchange for an honest review.




  • Chaturanga (Baahubali before the beginning #2) by Anand Neelakantan

Chaturanga (Baahubali: Before the Beginning Book 2)



Genre: Fantasy, Fiction

Being a huge fan of the Baahubali movie franchise and having read book 1 in this series, I have finally got around to buying Book 2. I am looking forward to it!




  • Beautiful Façade by Kathryn S Rose

Beautiful Facade


Genre: Contemporary, Romance







  • An Ordinary Life by Amanda Prowse

An Ordinary Life



Genre: Historical Fiction

I requested for and received a copy of the book via NetGalley. I have read a few books by the author and have enjoyed them so far! This book sounds interesting and I would love to see what I think.




  • The Paris Dressmaker by Kristy Cambron

The Paris Dressmaker



Genre: Historical Fiction

I have been reading a lot of books in this genre and am enjoying the reads and discovering new authors! I am excited to read this book!