Sun Stealers by Claire Bridgeman

This is the second book in the Spellweaver Chronicles. This book is extremely special as I have had the honor of providing feedback to Claire as she wrote the book. I am grateful to her for giving me this opportunity and a special mention in the book was the icing on the cake!

About the book:


It’s tough when you’ve just found out that the weight of not one world but two is hanging on your shoulders.

This is the life of Felicity Lucas.

Her mother was the Spellweaver, the most powerful magic user of both worlds. Now that she’s gone, the title and the power have passed to her only daughter, a fourteen-year-old student at Greenfields High School. She has no choice but to learn the skills that her mother had, to weave magic like she did; she has to keep the mysterious ‘others’ at bay and stop a strange group of cultists bent on bringing down the sun.

All of this – and she has exams coming up.

At least she has her two best friends at her side and things seem to be getting better with her dad.

But still, when an old foe makes his return and the school bully won’t leave her alone, Felicity soon starts to realise the limits to her new found power – as well as its consequences.

My Thoughts:

A thrilling sequel to the first part, this story will take the reader on a fantasy rollercoaster. The author dives deeper into the plot bringing in a lot of twists and some interesting new ideas. As the story progresses we see that Felicity has accepted her new found identity, that of being the spellweaver and is working on improving her skills. Her teacher Mr. Oakley works with Felicity teaching her how to control her powers and use them. The most appealing thing about this story are Felicity’s friends and the faith they have in her. They stand by her side through all the things she faces and are her strength throughout.

With Oliver’s return in this story we are left wondering whether he is a friend or a foe in spite of his previous actions. Felicity is forced to work with Oliver for a while to save Earth and her magic skills are tested to the maximum. Friendship and loyalties are also put to test as a result of the various decisions each character has to take.The plot of the second book revolves largely around saving the Earth and restoring the Sun to its place in the universe.

Claire’s talent for crafting such a wonderful story is evident in this sequel. The author uses simple language and a whole lot of creativity. It takes great skill to create a world of magic and Claire pulls it off brilliantly. This is worth a read for all those who love the genre and who enjoyed reading Harry Potter and other such books. Fans of the first book are in for a treat in the second. By the time you finish reading this book, you cannot wait to read the next.