Author Interview: Gillian Felix

In conversation with Gillian Felix the author of the Family Portrait series:


1)      What/who inspired you to start writing?

I have always written. As a kid creative writing was one of my favorite subjects. I got my highest marks in that subject. Growing up I was told you have to “get a real job” I’ve had ‘real’ jobs and it always brought me back to writing. I worked at a television studio writing Prime time news, it was fun at first but then it got depressing. I tried to put a positive spin on the stories but that’s not what ‘news’ is about.

2)      Tell us a little about yourself.

I was born in Port of Spain, Trinidad. I moved to the United States 15 years ago. I lived in New York and Los Angeles for a number of years. I moved to Albuquerque 5 years ago and love it out here. I love to hike, being in nature, enjoy good music, hiking and books with unforgettable characters. I never force myself to write, I do it because I love it and let the inspiration come to me naturally. I live a very peaceful drama free life.

3)      What is your favourite genre?

I don’t have a specific genre that I read, if the story and characters are interesting I’ll give it a go.

4)   Which is your favourite book?

Harmattan by Gavin Weston, Lady Boss by Jackie Collins, Come As You Are by Theresa Weir. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jefferies.

5)    Who is your favourite author?

That would have to be Jackie Collins. She is a character author like me. Her characters are very flawed and interesting.

6)    What are your hobbies?

Writing, hiking, video games, reading

7)    Perfect holiday destination?

England in the summer. The Bahamas or Caribbean in the winter.

8)    Describe a perfect day.

Anytime I get to spend with my mother and sister. It doesn’t matter what we are doing, just being around the people I love is perfect.

9)    Which is the best part of writing a story?

Coming up with the characters and putting them in near impossible situations.

10)  How much inspiration do you draw on from real life experiences? With respect to plot, characters etc.

When I am writing an emotional scene, I bring up emotions from my past and use that to channel the anxiety or joy the characters are feeling. My characters are fictional so as much as I try to make them seem real, I have never been in any of their situations or know anyone like them, we may feel the same emotions but the situations are different. That is the fun part I get to make things up as I go along.

Connect with the author/links to the books:

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