Book Review: Detectives of Autumn House by Manjima Misra



Detectives of Autumn House is a novella by Manjima Misra. The novella features LGBTQIA+ detectives who solve a case related to intellectual property rights, fake job offer letters, and mysterious disappearances. The book is situated at the unique intersection of detective fiction and queer fiction.



My Thoughts:
This is generally not a genre I read very often, but I’ve enjoyed reading the author’s books in the past. This is a novella, a rather short and quick read revolving around the lives of 5 women who own a detective agency, thus working and living together. This novella focuses on the plot at hand, the mystery while also giving us insights into these characters, who they were, how they came to be where they are.

The changing timelines are not very clearly marked and this made me get confused each time. I was not sure whether the current plot is developing, or something from the past is being told. However, if this is put aside, the actual storyline was intriguing and unique.

This novella is written in the author’s unique style, one which I have come to enjoy. Do give Detectives of Autumn House a read!

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