Book Review: Queen of Roses (Blood of a Fae – Book 1)by Briar Boleyn

About the Book:


A doomed love, a dangerous mission, and a kingdom on the brink of war…

A cast-off princess…

Born into a life of duty and sacrifice, Morgan Pendragon’s destiny has never been her own. Rumored to carry the tainted blood of the fae in her veins, her birthright is stolen from her when she is a mere child. Growing up in the shadow of her brother the king, she has been promised to the goddesses when she comes of age. So, when her brother commands that she seek out a fae weapon of legendary power, Morgan seizes the chance to break free from the chains of her fate.

A dangerous temptation…

As she travels, Morgan finds herself drawn into a strange group of outcasts, led by a dark and enigmatic warrior whose sharp wit and fierce beauty set her heart ablaze. But while Morgan struggles to reconcile her desires with her duty, she and her new comrades discover dangers that await them beyond anything in their wildest nightmares.

A slumbering kingdom awoken by blood…

Believed to have vanished generations ago, a fae kingdom dreaded by mortals is ascending once more, bound to reclaim what was lost by violence and bloodshed. As the fae world, with its intricate web of lies and mysteries, is slowly revealed to Morgan, she is led to the terrible realization that the secrets she carries in her blood make her a greater threat than she could ever have imagined.

The first in an action-packed new series brimming with magic, danger, morally gray characters, and spellbinding slow-burn romance, Queen of Roses is perfect for fans of Jennifer L. Armentrout, Raven Kennedy, Rebecca Yarros, Carissa Broadbent, and Sarah J. Maas.

My Thoughts:

Queen of Roses is the first book in the Blood of a Fae series, a retelling of the story of King Arthur, his knights, and all the others in the legend, in a magical context with many of the characters re-imagined.

At first I was a little confused with the different re-imaginings of the characters but once I looked past it, I was pulled into the world. I love the way the author has developed the plot, the world and the characters, bringing in so many different adventures and dynamics among the characters. Honestly, I was not a fan of Arthur as a character in this book and found Morgan to be a little annoying at first. I loved how Lancelet and Galahad are depicted and their relationship with Morgan.

I started to enjoy the book a few chapters in and could not stop reading until the very end. The ending of the book with the most unexpected twists and turns culminated in an amazing climax, setting up the tone and direction of the next book. At this point, I knew that I was truly hooked and would definitely find my way through the series, following Morgan as she discovered herself, the extent of her powers, and becomes the leader she was born to be (I hope!)

Book Review: The Rise of The Legends by Jake Zortman

About the Book:


Mikaela Kadono is bummed when her parents move the family to a creepy, old, fixer-upper house, leaving behind her friends, school and familiar neighborhood. But things quickly look up when she meets her new neighbor, George, who invites her to join a cool club called Drone Legends. Little does Mikaela know that this will be the first step in a life-changing adventure!

On The Drone Legends very first mission, a nearly tragic accident brings a mysterious, talking AI drone into their lives. But was it really an accident? And who created this drone that seems to be far beyond any available technology? As they search for answers, Mikaela discovers that the old house her parents bought holds a secret – a cryptic message from the past, hidden in riddles and codes. With the help of her new friends, they embark on a quest to solve the mystery, which takes them on a perilous journey from adventure on the high seas to secret tunnels deep beneath the ground.

The team applies science, math, cutting-edge technology and old-fashioned gadgets as they solve the clues and battle a mysterious foe who always seems to be one step ahead. The closer they get to solving the mystery, the more it seems that the messages were left specifically for them. But how would someone living a century earlier know that Mikaela and her friends would even exist? And what role is this strange, intelligent drone playing? Is it a friend, or part of a conspiracy to change the course of history?

It’s a nail-biting adventure full of twists and turns, as Mikaela and her friends race against time to stop an evil plot to take over the world. Are they following their destiny, or are they in over their heads? The fate of world and future of humanity hangs in the balance.

My Thoughts:

The Rise of the Legends is a joy to read! Filled with adventure, lots of twists and turns and a world of gadgets Mikaela and her friends will fascinate everyone who reads about them.

The story is well-written and easy to follow. The science behind everything is explained very well making it quite simple and relatable as well as easy to understand and follow. The author focuses on strong friendships, learning to face adverse situations and helping one another. Everything is not black and white in life and thus it is necessary to understand another person’s situation/circumstance before judging them. Mikaela teaches us this through her interactions with the different characters.

All the characters are a pleasure to read about and though at times it feels unbelievable that these children know so much, I think that if we have an interest to learn, age is no barrier. The book is the start to the series and sets the pace and tone for the rest to come! I am looking forward to reading about the Legends and their future adventures!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Book Review: The Rising (Hasea Chronicles #4) by Stuart Meczes

About the Book:



A world apart but united in their singular mission, the Guardians of Orion struggle for survival as they force their way across the brutal and unforgiving planet of Pandemonia.

Still tormented by the ever intensifying visions that plague his dreams, Alex is forced to endure his growing desperation and fear as his party continue their journey across the Dark Sea, led by the grizzled mercenary Zero and his band of misfits. At the same time, word of the Sorrowslayer spreads like wildfire across the world, shedding a final ray of light onto those who had already given up hope.

Meanwhile, Scarlett and her team of Guardians have found themselves caught in the clutches of the deranged Scorched Knight, Lilith. What she wants with them is unclear, but they know their only chance is escape…at whatever cost.

And hidden in the shadows something ancient stirs, waiting for everyone to play their part.

For the Rising is coming, and with it, the end of all things.

My Thoughts:

The Rising is Book 4 in the Chronicles of Hasea series and perhaps one of the darkest books in the series. The plot thickens in this book as Alex navigates the Dark Sea to find Gabriella and his father. The Guardians are forced to split up with Alex leading a few along with Zero and his band of misfits and Scarlet leading the rest.

The plot thickens in this book and pushes us towards a climax filled with sorrow and hope, betrayal and wonderment at the unexpected support received. Even though everything seems different in Pandemonia, so much is still relatable and the politics as well as woes of the residents are much the same as that on Earth.

I really like how the series started off quite simply in terms of the plot line but became darker and darker as the characters evolved and the plot thickened. It shows how much the author’s style of writing evolved in this journey with the characters. The reader follows the characters as they race against time, battling for survival. The story is fast-paced and intense with a few nail-biting moments that will keep the reader hooked and hoping for more.

The story ends on a high and of course paves the way for the final installment of the series. I truly loved this book, breezing through the series, through one book after the other and I am excited to read the last one. It is a bittersweet moment to realize that the series is almost at the end and I feel as though I have been through a lot with the characters, practically living a double life along-side them.

This series is a wonderful read in the fantasy fiction genre is definitely one of my favourite this year! Yes! I loved all the four books in the series and I cannot wait to know how the story concludes for everyone involved!

Book Review: Of Blood & Light by C. Monk

About the Book:


Arthurian legend, bodice-ripping, and capybaras: welcome to Thule!

A girl with a secret . . .
In the back of an ambulance, River Greer counts each breath her little sister takes until the final one: Sage’s body is giving up, ravaged by a mysterious illness. The late-night rush to the ER, however, turns into a surreal nightmare when River is abducted and ferried across the universe to the fabled Thule: a world beyond worlds, where Victorian mores collide with magic and Arthurian legend.

. . . meets a knight on a mission to save his world.
There, his grace Hadrian Landevale of Caid is fighting losing battles of his own: to recover Isolde, his runaway wife, and against the blight that threatens the ichor, the source of all life on Thule. To add insult to injury, the captured fugitive Thule pathfinders just brought back from Earth is not his duchess but an eerie doppelgänger.
When it becomes clear that someone on Thule will go to any length to silence River, Hadrian offers his protection to this obstinate stranger . . . whose secrets might be the key to saving Thule’s most precious treasure: the light in its blood.

For fans of V.E. Schwab, and Nalini Singh, follow River on her epic journey to a world shaped by legends and magic, where everything is possible . . . except going home.

My Thoughts:

Of Blood and Light starts of by introducing us to River, our main protagonist as she tries to get to the hospital to see her little sister who is suffering from a mysterious illness that no-one seems to be able to diagnose. As the story progresses, we follow River as she gets kidnapped from the hospital and taken to another world which seems to be set in the 1800s which is so far removed from what she is use to.

At this point, we slowly come to know of mistaken identities (or perhaps not?), we meet a duke looking for his missing wife and a place where magic exists but is dying. As River navigates this world trying to find her way back to her little sister and father, she gets first into survival mode. We come to know of her twin sister and mother, details emerge and she embarks on a journey to rescue her sister all the while navigating a thin line between being friends with the duke and falling in love.

I quite enjoyed this book and loved the world building. The author has written the book in a simple manner making it easy to read and enjoy. The book falls under fantasy fiction and has all the wonderful elements of a gripping read: adventure, magic, romance, the importance of family. I enjoyed reading about the setting of the story and River’s journey as she navigates a new world and people who want to get rid of her.

A truly enjoyable read, I recommend this book to all and am definitely looking forward to reading more books by the author!

Book Review: Pressing Buttons / Presionando Botones (Short Dual Language Story) by Robert King

Pressing Buttons / Presionando Botones (Short Dual Language Story)

About the Book:

“Don’t press the button,” That was the general consensus. I’ve been told that at least a hundred times; the last time by a grizzled veteran of the spaceways in the Vega 3 spaceport cantina.

“It won’t matter if you do, son,” he told me casually. “All you will gain is a few hours at the most. And what good is that going to do? So you can float out there in the emptiness, just waiting for your air supply to run out? It’s better to go fast, in a flash. Trust me.”

I stared at the button on the control console. It was red of course, big and red; but not so big it couldn’t be pressed by a single finger. My palms were sweating as I struggled over the decision.

I had to make the decision soon. I only had a minute and half left. My right index finger hovered over it. Did I press it, or didn’t I?…

An Exciting Dual Language Story

This book is for anyone that is learning Spanish or English, young or old, beginner or expert.

This Spanish/English story is presented in three versions. The first version is an alternating Spanish/English format, where the reader can first read a paragraph in Spanish, and then follow along in English. The second version presents the entire story first in Spanish, and the third version, in English. In this way, the reader can practice their comprehension with the full story.

« Pressing Buttons » is a great short story presented in the original English with excellent Spanish translation on each paragraph offering readers a unique learning aid as well as a superb entertainment.

Short stories serve as great tools to develop or practice the ability to think in a second language! Each paragraph of the story in English corresponds to the Spanish translation of the paragraph adjacent to it. This aids in the learning process, both with verb conjugation and syntax.

A dual language book is an excellent studying tool of great usage for anyone who is truly interested in learning a second language. As opposed to memorizing phrases or forcing yourself to finish up another dry foreign language grammar or verb manual, a dual language story keeps you eager and excited to turn each page!

My Thoughts:

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Pressing Buttons is a short story written in both English and Spanish. The story itself is simple with a relatable dilemma presented to the reader. Additionally, the protagonist/narrator of the story faces many questions that come up when faced with a do or die situation set on a spaceship, thus bringing in a Sci-Fi angle to the story.

While the story is written in a simple way, the interesting part is in the dual language. This short story serves two purposes: one is to entertain the reader; the other is to help a reader learn Spanish or English. The book is presented in three sections, the bilingual part; the story in Spanish and the story in English. This helps the reader choose which section to read.

I did enjoy this format of narration and I believe that the story helps as a learning aid for the languages.

Book Review: A Letter to Three Witches by Elizabeth Bass

About the Book:


From acclaimed author Elizabeth Bass, an bubbly, quirky paranormal rom-com set in the sleepy college town of college town of Zenobia, New York, a place where witches have been banned from practicing their magic…until romance problems among the great-granddaughters of the witch whose destructive spells invoked the edict cause their long-suppressed inner witches to go berserk…

In the sleepy college town of Zenobia, New York, the only supernatural trace on display is the name of Gwen Engel’s business—Abracadabra Odd Job Service. But Gwen’s family has some unusual abilities they’ve been keeping under wraps—until one little letter spells big trouble…

Nearly a century ago, Gwen Engel’s great-great-grandfather cast a spell with catastrophic side-effects. As a result, the Grand Council of Witches forbade his descendants from practicing witchcraft. The Council even planted anonymous snitches called Watchers in the community to report any errant spellcasting…

Yet magic may still be alive and not so well in Zenobia. Gwen and her cousins, Trudy and Milo, receive a letter from Gwen’s adopted sister, Tannith, informing them that she’s bewitched one of their partners and will run away with him at the end of the week. While Gwen frets about whether to trust her scientist boyfriend, currently out of town on a beetle-studying trip, she’s worried that local grad student Jeremy is secretly a Watcher doing his own research.

Cousin Trudy is so stressed that she accidentally enchants her cupcakes, creating havoc among her bakery customers—and in her marriage. Perhaps it’s time the family took back control and figured out how to harness their powers. How else can Gwen decide whether her growing feelings for Jeremy are real—or the result of too many of Trudy’s cupcakes?…

My Thoughts:

A Letter to Three Witches starts of with just that. A letter arrives at each of the three cousins’ houses, Gwen, Trudy and Milo. The letter is from Gwen’s adopted sister talking about her leaving and maybe taking one of their partners along. This message turns the three lives in disarray.

The story then follows the three cousins as they try to investigate and find out the truth behind Tannith’s words. The main secret they are keeping, they are witches but are not allowed to practice. The author gives us enough of the history to understand what happened in the family and how it has impacted the current generation. The story is simple and fun at times. There is unexpected magic, turning humans into animals and vice versa and a lot of bonding between family members. Secrets are found out and new relationships are forged in this fun rom-com style book.

I did find it a little difficult to connect with the characters and was not as invested in their lives as I would have liked to have been. I did however enjoy the story and how the cousins finally take back control of their lives and love. Some parts of the story seemed rushed but on the whole I think it was an enjoyable one time read! The writing is quirky and gives us a lot of happy vibes.

I would definitely recommend this for those who would like a light read with some fun, magic, love and family all in one.

WWW WEDNESDAY – 21/07/2021

This is a fun weekly meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words.

All you need to do is answer the following three questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Also, do follow the host and other bloggers who participate!

It is wonderful to know what everyone is reading and recommendations are always welcome!


What are you currently reading?

A variety of genres actually!

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

I am hoping to get started with my brand new copy of The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna. The book has an amazing cover and spray painted edges! Considering that this is one of the most talked about books, I am excited to join the fan club!


Do stop by to share your thoughts or posts!

Book Review: Max and the Spice Thieves (Secrets of the Twilight Djinn #1) by John Peragine

About the Book:

Max and the Spice Thieves


When his mother goes missing, Max Daybreaker’s world is turned upside down. Luckily, a crew of Spice Pirates, led by the mysterious Captain Cinn, help Max on his dangerous mission across the three seas.

Along the way, an unlikely alliance aids in his search—a teenage warrior queen, a three-eyed seer, and an assassin spy.

Their journey takes them through treacherous lands while facing shapeshifting bears, an ancient witch, harpies, and the nightmarish Djinn, who will stop at nothing to enslave the world.

With every new challenge, Max unlocks the secrets of his unsettling past. Powers awaken within, forcing him to question everything he knows.

Is Max who he thinks he is? Only time and destiny will tell…



My Thoughts:

A huge thank you to NetGalley and Crumblebee Books for providing me with a copy of this book.

Max and the Spice Thieves is a refreshing read in the Middle Grade fiction Genre!

The story follows Max as he meets a crew of Spice Pirates from the Saucy Pig while looking for his mother. There is something about Max that draws people to him and of course some of the people we meet along the way have either promised his mother or his father that they will protect him. As Max sets out on a perilous journey in search of his mother, the author introduces us to a myriad of interesting characters who only add more flavor to the story.

I thoroughly enjoyed watching Max as he learns to take control and grow up. He learns to work with people and bring them together. We slowly come to know about his magic and as the story progresses, through twists and turns we come to know the truth behind the complete plot.

Throw in pirates, magic, Djinns and Snow Bears and we have a wonderful mix for this story. It is fast paced and well written, keeping both children and adults hooked onto it. This is one book that I will whole heartedly recommend and I cannot wait to read the next book! Max’s adventures are worth reading about!

Book Tour Finale: JORDAN’S DELIVERANCE by Allen Steadham

On Tour with [54]Prism Book Tours

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you’ll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

[55]Launch – Author Interview

What inspired you to write JORDAN’S DELIVERANCE?

It is the third and final book in the Jordan of Algoran Christian Science-Fantasy series. I started work on the series in 2015 with a basic premise: God is not limited to Earth. He reigns over the whole universe. So, He is able to reach Jordan, even when she and her mother are abducted and taken to another world. I decided to carry this idea throughout the series and to its conclusion.

[56]Bookstagram Tour
(With its own giveaway – ends 10/25/20.)

[57]Rincón de Joss – Excerpt

The Observance Torch was the same as any other torch, but it was adorned with red jula crystals, reinforced with twine, and its top was dipped in animal fat and dusted with crushed dry jikpal leaves which made the flames take on a violet shade. When the Observance Torch was lit, it told the villagers passing by her hut not to enter, since the Chieftess was seeking wisdom and guidance from the Father of Spirits whom she called God.

[58]Christy’s Cozy Corners – Guest Post

Part of Jordan’s Deliverance is set on Earth in the early 2070s. Before I wrote those scenes, I had to ask myself a few important questions:
1. How much could Earth change in fifty years?
2. What kind of technological advances might occur in that time?
3. Would Jordan even recognize her (fictional) hometown of Chase Creek, Colorado?
4. Would people speak any differently or use different jargon? . . .

[59]Uplifting Reads – Excerpt

“You are taking a big risk acting this way,” Commander Imbador warned. “Getting that pardon will take even longer.”

“I am the only one who has the information you need. I think that justifies the risk,” Zeetra countered, her frown transforming to a smile. She put her hands behind her head, locking her fingers as she leaned back against the bed confidently. “And right now, I have nothing but time.”

[60]Adventures of a Travelers Wife – Interview and Review

How did you dream up this world and all its details?

I had to start from scratch. Originally, I was imagining this as purely a fantasy tale. But it soon became clear that this was going to mostly take place on an alien world called Algoran. I tried to envision another world, as diverse in land, sea, and people as any other world. I made it clear from the beginning that this was an Earth-like world or else the main character, Jordan, and her mother would not have been able to survive, much less thrive.

In keeping with the fantasy concept, however, I did not want a lot of advanced technology. I wanted this world to be a contrast to Earth, to picture life without our modern conveniences while depicting the beauty and dangers of nature. Growing up in a major Texas city, it was an enjoyable challenge to flesh out a world the complete opposite of what I knew. I had to do a lot of research to understand different regions and climates.

“Whew, what a way to begin a series! Jordan pulled me in from the beginning and made me so curious about her as a person and how Allen Steadham would mold her as a character. . . . The plot was also really good and hooked me from the first page . . . I totally enjoyed this story and definitely recommend it if you are willing to take a leap into a world not quite our own. 5 out of 5 stars for the great character build up, faith interwoven themes, and for leaving me wanting more.” – Jordan’s World

[61]Hallie Reads – Excerpt

Jordan hadn’t felt the rush of the vortex in decades. It had grabbed her like a thing alive and thrashed her about in its clutches, shifting violently in a torrent of motion as lights flashed all around her. When it finally released her, she was barely coherent enough to land on her feet and run to a stop. Then she heard something approaching. Whatever it was, it was big and so close, it was almost on top of her.

I cannot get out of the way in time!

[62]Rockin’ Book Reviews – Reviews

This is a very intriguing story. There is a lot of mystery and adventure throughout. It’s an interesting new world for Jordan and it’s impressive how well she adjusted to her new surroundings. . . . The characters are awesome. They are all well-developed and it is easy to feel their emotions. – Jordan’s World

It was fun to continue to follow Jordan and her old and new friends. There is so much adventure in this story. You get to meet new tribes of people on their planet of Algoran. . . . The story flows well from chapter to chapter and is easy to follow along.” – Jordan’s Arrow

A great continuation of Jordan on Algoran. Watching Jordan and her family grow and strengthen is a great treat. So many new and wonderful characters that you get to know . . . I think this is a great story and recommend it to teen to adult readers. – Jordan’s Deliverance

[63]Candrel’s Crafts, Cooks, and Characters – Interview

4.) To which character did you best relate?

The main character, Jordan. There are many enjoyable characters in the series, but it’s centered around Jordan for a reason: we follow her life, the ups and downs, joys and losses. We get to see her grow as a woman. She’s not perfect, she makes some big mistakes along the way, but she has a good heart. She’s the most relatable character, in my opinion.

[64]Wishful Endings – Guest Post

I make no secret that I’m a Star Trek fan, going all the way back to The Original Series. I watched it in syndication in the 1970s as a child. From 2005 to 2015, I only read Star Trek novels. So here are my top ten influences from the TV, movies, and books. . .

[65]Splashes of Joy – Excerpt

Instead, she took in a deep breath and was grateful something had actually happened. She grabbed the sapphire-hued javelin with both hands, pulling it close to her chest. A new fire burned in her gaze.

“I am the granddaughter of Snow and Fire! I will protect you and look after your needs,” she declared. “Give me your trust and I shall not disappoint you. I will also consult with my torkomm and the village elders. All will be well.”

[66]Bookworm Lisa – Review

“. . . this story is about growing and becoming. Jordan has difficult decisions and knows that there is a deity who watches over her, even though she is far away from home. She learns for herself where her home is and whom she can believe in.

I am intrigued at what future endeavors and adventures await Jordan and her friends.” – Jordan’s World

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post…

Jordan’s Deliverance
(Jordan of Algoran #3)
By Allen Steadham
Christian Science Fiction, Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 330 Pages
October 13, 2020 by Ambassador International

The Onchei are back.
And trouble looms…

The Onchei want to learn what happened to their brethren on Algoran from the only survivor, Zeetra. Yet they learn instead she has broken the Onchei’s highest law: never intermarry or have children with another race. For this, she now faces execution.

Jordan SnowFire fears the Onchei will blame the Mokta and seek retribution soon. Only an ancient heirloom, which contains the ultimate Onchei knowledge, can save the Mokta…except it’s on Earth, a world she hasn’t seen in decades.

Jordan sends her son, Arrow, and her friend’s daughter, Maska, to rescue Zeetra while she travels back to Earth to seek the Onchei artifact. What tie is there between a thousand-year-old object and Jordan’s ancestors? Could this explain why she and her mother were originally abducted and brought to Algoran?

In the skies of Algoran, a final confrontation looms between the Onchei and the Mokta. And on Earth, Jordan finds more than she could have possibly imagined…

(Affiliate links included.)
[67]Goodreads | [68]Amazon | [69]Barnes & Noble | [70]Christianbook

Other Books in the Series

[71][Jordan%2527s%2BWorld%2Bbk%2B1.jpg] [72][Jordan%2527s%2BWorld%2Bbk%2B2.jpg]
(Linked to Amazon affiliate links.)

About the Author


Allen Steadham created comic books and webcomics before he started writing novels. He has been married to his wife, Angel, since 1995 and they have two sons and a daughter. When not writing stories, Allen and his wife are singers, songwriters, and musicians. They have been in a Christian band together since 1997. They live in Central Texas.

[73]Website | [74]Goodreads | [75]BookBub | [76]Facebook | [77]Twitter | [78]Instagram

Tour Giveaway


– One winner will receive signed print copies of the entire Jordan of Algoran series (US only)
– One winner will receive ebook copies of the entire Jordan of Algoran series (open internationally)
– Ends October 29, 2020


[80]Grab Our Button!

Introducing Author Roy Huff on the blog!

I am delighted to host Author Roy Huff on the blog. Roy has also contributed a guest post on Time Travel!

Read on to know more about the author: his thoughts, his books and the genre of SF/Fantasy!

Author Bio:
Roy Huff is a Hawaii-based best-selling author, peer-reviewed research scientist, and teacher. After overcoming significant childhood adversity, he moved to the islands and hasn’t looked back. He’s since earned five degrees, trained on geostationary satellites for NASA’s GOES-R Proving Ground, and written numerous bestsellers. He stumbled into writing, but what he didn’t stumble into is his love for all things science fiction and fantasy. Later, he contributed a series of fiction and non-fiction books as well as widely shared posts on how to design life on your terms. Despite early challenges, he embraces optimism, science, and creativity. He makes Hawaii his home, where he creates new worlds with the stroke of a pen and hopes you’ll come along for the amazing ride. You can download Roy Huff’s free sci-fi short at or connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram @realroyhuff
Follow Links:
Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook @realroyhuff
In conversation with Roy Huff:

Tell us a little about yourself.

I grew up in the South very poor. My family suffered through many challenges, and I lost my father when I was 21 to HIV/AIDS. Mental illness inflicted and continues to inflict pain on many immediate family members, but I’ve personally been fortunate. I moved to Hawaii to go to college, and after a delay and initial financial hardships, I was able to complete five degrees. I’ve had the privilege to work on some amazing projects including a grant for NASA/NOAA related to geostationary satellites (GOES-R). I’ve since begun writing and teaching.

What prompted you to start writing?

I’ve always been an academic, so nonfiction and academic writing was something I’ve done for as long as I can remember. That accelerated in college. In my early 30’s, I began writing fiction, in part inspired by a professor Jayson Chun and UH West Oahu.

How did the series ‘Everville’ happen?

I was working concurrently on my fourth and fifth degrees, writing a creative paper titled Everville for an English class. We had to share the paper with other students in the class, and one student commented she wanted to read an entire book on Everville. The rest is history.

What inspired you to write SF/Fantasy?

I’ve always loved science, so there is a natural love for imagining how technology will evolve from science in the future. In both science fiction and fantasy, I find an element of both escapism and wonder. They offer an avenue to plan new ideas and revisit societal constructs that aren’t always possible in the present environment. Speculative fiction can also be therapeutic, a place to go to recharge one’s mind and separate oneself from anxiety, abuse, or the realities of a harsh life. Of course, you have to come back to reality at some point, but fiction can provide an outlet in an often unforgiving world.

How much research went into the writing of this series?

The amount of research just depends on the topic. I have some level of background knowledge, but there are always times when I have to sketch an idea or thought and jump onto a search engine to find what I need. It’s usually not an awful lot, but research is still necessary from time to time.

How easy/difficult was it to write this series and create the characters for it?

Super easy, but the real challenge is making those characters compelling and the story engaging. Doing that requires asking the right questions and adding interesting flaws and motivations. How long that takes depends on a host of factors that can span hours or months.

How much does your day to day life inspire your characters?

All of it.

What do you do when you aren’t writing?

I love traveling, hiking, movies, and fiction on both the screen and in books and audio. I enjoy walks, spending time with family, learning, and good conversation with interesting and kind people.

How much time do you spend on your writing on average per day?

It varies widely. I’ve tended recently to write between 30-90 minutes daily if possible, or about 2-10 pages. But I used to be more of a marathon writer with 8-12 days of up to 45 pages a day. I wrote book three in the Everville series in six days. Recently, I feel more comfortable with 3-4 weeks for a rough draft if that’s my sole focus. But I’ve tended to stretch that out over months to gather a more sustainable routine within life’s other constraints. I’ve always done more traveling recently (the current pandemic excluded) which aligns to a more moderate but consistent pace.

What do you like best about writing a story?

There is no one thing. But, I like leaving a legacy behind. I enjoy creating new worlds and exploring ideas that haven’t been fleshed out by other works of fiction.

What kind of impact do your stories have on you?

Writing encourages me to grow, pay attention, and listen. It forces me to consider reasons and motivation but also to question the effectiveness and validity of societal expectations and rules. I usually write more optimistic fiction, so my own stories can give me reasons to hope and make me feel like I’m leaving something constructive behind to positively impact other people.

How much inspiration do you draw on from real life experiences, with respect to plot, characters etc?

All of it. Every thought, experience, feeling, or emotion provides subconscious or explicit inspiration for every part of the story.

Finally, what message do you want to share with us readers?

I wish to inspire my readers and give them a glimmer of hope for a brighter future. It may not seem like it, especially in trying times, but the arc of humanity has moved towards greater tolerance, reduced poverty, less violence, and longer life spans. Expect this trend to continue. I’ve woven that belief in my writing.

Additionally, I’m launching Seven Rules of Time Travel mid-July. You can find it on Goodreads here

I’m also giving away a free space opera short at

Guest Post by Author Roy Huff

So why write about time travel? Fiction is a great way to explore what could be and what might have been. Time travel in particular allows the writer to fix mistakes as an individual and as a society. Who hasn’t thought about changing something in the past? Why not take advantage of that?

And what about the future? Why not imagine seeing the future and steering it in a direction that benefits you? In essence, it’s the most direct way to blend the benefits of fiction with real human desires and emotions. It’s escapism combined with the ultimate reality check. It forces you to confront your demons and develop a solution to vanquish them.

Time travel takes on many flavors. Writers can use the paradox trope as a literary tool to show character growth, forcing them to face reality instead of fantasy. I generally don’t like the paradox because it takes some of the fun out of the genre, and there are other more intriguing options to show growth that is unique to time travel.

Lifting time travel constraints allows the writer to explore those human conditions that usually don’t get explored. It forces the writer to find compelling motivations and character growth to engage readers.

Depending on the mechanism of time travel, one unexplored prospect is immortality. Humans, and all creatures, are limited by a finite lifespan which provides a sense of urgency. What happens when that urgency is removed.

And what about power? They don’t call Doctor Who a Time Lord for nothing. If you were immortal and could manipulate time, what would you do? What would your story look like? This is mine.