Book Review – Celestial Academy: Essence by Olivia Pharos

About the Book:


Orphan. Slave. Drug dealer.

As a Demon-Owned human, in an Afterworld that literally has Hell and Heaven on Earth, I’m the lowest a being can be. My life is one of drudgery, degradation—and mortal danger. And that’s before I started dealing Angelescence. Unlike anything in existence, it’s a drug only I can produce, and everyone would kill for.

With decommission and execution closing in, I’m desperate to buy out my and my best friend’s Indentures. But upping my operations only gets me arrested, and my terrifying captor drags me to the Celestial Court—on a leash—to stand trial. My sentence?

Conscription to Celestial Academy.

As the most powerful nephilim in history, Godric is Heaven’s most ruthless soldier and assassin. And he’s been assigned with discovering the root of my unprecedented ability to capture Angel Essence.

We both hate our forced proximity—and each other. Especially since we’re seething with explosive emotions and cravings that neither of us ever thought to experience, and can’t possibly afford. Anything between us isn’t only forbidden, it’s disastrous. Potentially for all of existence.

But being embroiled in our passionate war becomes the least of our worries as he unearths even more terrible mysteries within me. Meanwhile, lethal trials loom at mid-term, and a devastating internal war as well as another Apocalypse are brewing…

…and I’m at the center of it all.

Are you a fan of Crescent City, The Mortal instruments and Zodiac Academy? Ever wished you found a book that merged their elements and magic?

Look no more! You have found your next book obsession!

One click now and dive into this binge-worthy, new-adult contemporary fantasy world, brimming with unforgettable characters, soul-searing enemies-to-lovers romance, agonizing slow-burn passion, edge-of-your-seat mystery and suspense—and apocalyptic stakes.
You will never want to leave.

The series is intended for mature readers 18 and above, for violence, language and explicit scenes.

Wen’s epic trials in the world of Celestials and Supernaturals continue in NULL, book 2 in the AFTERWORLD series.

My Thoughts:

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and here is my honest review.

I love reading fantasy fiction and the premise of this book drew me in. I liked the idea of supernaturals, angels, demons, magic all put together. The book started rather abruptly and it took me some time to understand what was happening. The setting of the book is a dystopian world that could do with a little more description, especially how this world came to be and the hierarchy of the people (both supernatural and human).

I did not easily connect with Wen, though I like that she was looking out for Sarah, her best friend and the one she considered family. I was not a huge fan of her snark nor did I enjoy reading about Godric as much as I would have liked. However, Lorcan, Jinny and some of the others more than made up for this.

The story did pick up about one-third in and started to get more interesting. This helped to read on and soon things started to make sense. Even though I was not a huge fan of Wen, I was interested in her story and origins. I wanted to know what would happen and the ending was a twist I didn’t see coming. I am looking forward to the next book in the series, NULL, and I hope that I get more answers to the background and characters.

Book Review: Bride by Ali Hazelwood

About the Book:


A dangerous alliance between a Vampyre bride and an Alpha Werewolf becomes a love deep enough to sink your teeth into in this new paranormal romance.

Misery Lark, the only daughter of the most powerful Vampyre councilman of the Southwest, is an outcast—again. Her days of living in anonymity among the Humans are over: she has been called upon to uphold a historic peacekeeping alliance between the Vampyres and their mortal enemies, the Weres, and she sees little choice but to surrender herself in the exchange—again…

Weres are ruthless and unpredictable, and their Alpha, Lowe Moreland, is no exception. He rules his pack with absolute authority, but not without justice. And, unlike the Vampyre Council, not without feeling. It’s clear from the way he tracks Misery’s every movement that he doesn’t trust her. If only he knew how right he was….

Because Misery has her own reasons to agree to this marriage of convenience, reasons that have nothing to do with politics or alliances, and everything to do with the only thing she’s ever cared about. And she is willing to do whatever it takes to get back what’s hers, even if it means a life alone in Were territory…alone with the wolf.

My Thoughts:

I read this book as a part of the #obsessedbuddyreads Book of the Month for March.

I have read some of Ali Hazelwood’s books and have generally enjoyed them. This book was a welcome surprise in terms of the genre and style of writing. Though this is a romance novel, bringing in Vampyres and Werewolves as well as elements of conflict, corruption, sinister plots makes this a very interesting read.

The author has created characters here who are very different from her usual ones. Having stepped out of the usual, the result is indeed worth reading. The reader steps right into a world where Vampyres, Werewolves and Humans co-exist dealing with treaties and agreements to keep the peace. With Werewolves and Vampyres on the verge of war, what happens when a Vampyre Bride marries the Werewolve’s Alpha? This forms the main thread of the plot that unravels slowly as the story progresses.

I loved reading about Misery Lark and her strong personality, her interactions and decisions as well as her determination. It is inevitable that readers will also fall in love with Lowe Moreland and the connection that he has with Misery. Once the barriers of misunderstanding fall away and they all realize that their goals are aligned, an unexpected truce is formed which paves the way for the rest of this story.

I read this book in almost one sitting, devouring each page until the very end. The author seems to have experimented a little more with her style of writing in this book and it truly brings the reader closer to the characters and the world that she has created. This paranormal romance is truly worth the read and I recommend it to all those who enjoy the mix of genres!

Book Review: The Corruption (Hasea Chronicles #2) by Stuart Meczes

About the Book:


It’s been six months since Alex and Gabriella stood against The Sorrow and won. The Veil still stands uncrossed, and with every passing day the possibility of finding the person stolen from Alex alive diminishes. But after an influx of new Awakenings, the Alliance is being stretched to breaking point. A melancholic Sophia is acting mysteriously and Sage Faru has set the formidable task of gathering a team of Guardians willing to enter Pandemonia. Meanwhile the looming threat of a new, stronger SOS hides in the shadows.

But that is the least of Alex’s worries.

Something is growing inside of him. Something dark and vengeful that whispers in the silence. Something that plagues his dreams with visions of a horrifying apocalypse.

An apocalypse he will start.

As Gabriella struggles to hold everything together and Alex struggles not to fall apart, one thing becomes clear. Before they can cross the Veil and stand against Hades, Alex must first defeat his greatest enemy. Himself.

(Chosen we rise – Allied we prevail)

My Thoughts:

The Corruption is the second book in the Hasea Chronicles and picks up six months after where the first book ends. This book is much more fast-paced and filled with suspense that will keep the reader hooked until the very end. The author has done an amazing job with world building and I absolutely love his style of writing, especially with the alternating points of view between Gabriella and Alex. This helps to provide their different perspectives as well as the story through each of their eyes. The opinions of the characters and how they view each event as well as how they take decisions are brought out through this.

This story focuses on the internal battles of the characters and while we are in a fantasy realm, the internal struggle to find one’s identity is something that we can all relate to. Alex, having defeated The Shadow now faces an internal struggle of good vs. evil as he tries to reconcile his darker side with the righteous one. I believe that the author handled this very well and even though it spans many chapters, the story telling makes it all worth the read!

This book has much more action and a strong focus on characters while giving the reader a sense of the developing world. Despite the introduction of many new characters, the author does each of them justice and I think they have enough space in the plot to carry it forward. At each stage, the reader is taken along on a journey that is darker than the first but with some light at the end of the tunnel.

Having read both books 1 and 2, I admit that I am a big fan of the Hasea Chronicles and am looking forward to entering The Veil along with Alex and Gabriella as well as all the others who join them in their quest.

Book Review: The Awakening (Hasea Chronicles #1) by Stuart Meczes

About the Book:

Alexander Eden is one unhappy teenager. A geeky, social pariah, he’s the victim of constant bullying at school. His home life isn’t much better with a stepfather who resents him and a half brother who is better than him at everything.

But that all changes the day the mysterious and beautiful Gabriella De Luca walks into his life. Everyone wants to know her, to be with her. But she is interested in Alex.
Because Alex is different.

Soon afterwards he is thrown into a world he never thought possible. A world where he and others like him are the last line of defense. A world where an ancient unspeakable evil lurks.
Evil which seeks to consume him.

(Chosen we rise – Allied we prevail)

My Thoughts:

I really liked the premise of the book and the entire series. This of course led to me picking up the first book and giving it a try! I was immediately intrigued. At first, I was a little confused with the events that were unfolding, but as I read on, I fell in love with each of the characters and the whole world that the author created.

The story follows protagonist Alex as he struggles to navigate through high school while his step-brother, who is younger, is the perfect one who is popular, into sports and generally well-liked all around. The dynamics of the two brothers evolves as the story progresses and I love how they learn to trust one another and rely on each other.

Gabriella is interesting and mysterious, entering the story suddenly but taking stage by storm. I really enjoyed getting to know her and how her relationship with Alex evolves. There is a lot more than meets the eye and Alex is about to be thrown into a world that he did not expect as well as learn secrets and uncover truths that were very well hidden.

As the story builds, the first book focuses entirely on Alex and how he finds himself and his place in the world, makes friends and eventually ends up being someone everyone relies on. I have to admit, that this is just one side of the whole plot and am looking forward to Book 2 which hopefully helps to explain some of the mysteries and story lines kept open in Book 1.

Book Blitz: The Hollow World by Tracy Auerbach

The Hollow World
Tracy Auerbach
(Fragments, #3)
Publication date: February 2nd 2021
Genres: Adult, Urban Fantasy

The time has come for Kai and her friends to make a final stand, and as the war begins, everyone must choose a side. But with the lines between good and evil more blurred than ever, Kai has to stick with her convictions and follow her heart. Kai’s first priority is to free Finn from the clutches of Tessa Raven, who has become no better than the evil she once fought against.

As Kai reluctantly turns against the people she once considered her closest friends, she becomes entangled in a struggle with a mysterious new power that threatens to destroy what is left of Finn and change everything she thought she knew about the planet.

Meanwhile, Charlie and Aric remain behind and help Raven breach the underground world of the Science Council. All bets are off as they prepare to cross every line and burn every bridge in an attempt to claim the world that has abused them for too long.

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Too many missing coefficients.

Raven ran her ungloved hand over the smooth, cool metal of the missile. She needed it to shatter the barrier—opening the way down so that she could destroy the Science Council. She knew enough about terminal ballistics to be able to calculate its exact impact on the crystal tube that led to the Science Council’s underground lair when it struck. The only problem was that the makeup of the tube was so unique…

“It’s a thing of beauty, Raven,” Sayers commented. He stared at her hungrily from his spot amongst her people, seeking approval.

“Yes, it is,” she offered, and he smiled.

“The only problem is, because the substance we’re striking has never been studied, there’s no way to tell if it will work without testing it. Our likelihood for success is still low.” She glanced around the interior of the Dome of Artifacts, taking in the relics from the original Earth with an appreciative eye. “And I’m not willing to risk destroying all of these artifacts by blowing up the whole place when the chance of it failing to destroy the tube is unacceptably high.”

Her soldiers stood around her, silent, waiting for her suggestions. She’d been trying to puzzle this out for three weeks, and the answer was painfully obvious: a last straw plan. And yet, she hesitated, because there was a small part of her that wanted to try every other possible scenario before resorting to what she knew would work, even though she knew that wasn’t logical.

Damn my weakness.

“We’ll need something softer,” she said at last. “Something that will turn to mush on impact rather than ricocheting off the crystal and taking out this whole place. Also, we’ll need something much bigger… heavier.” She scrutinized the crystal tube housing of the elevator platform that had, thus far, been impossible to penetrate.

“Would you like us to try crafting a hollow missile that’s twice this size?” asked Larson. “We’d have to melt this down first.” He gestured toward the missile they’d taken three weeks to craft and painstakingly calibrated.


The time to divulge her last straw plan was now. She knew a missile wouldn’t work. A rain of bullets wouldn’t work. But she happened to have a special tool—a former friend who could run at the speed of a bullet and who was close to two hundred pounds.

A human body hitting the tube at that speed would spread adequate weight over a large enough surface area to crack open the entryway to the Science Council’s underground world like an egg. Also, a body would explode upon impact, resulting in a mostly liquid byproduct, causing minimal damage to the artifacts.

Finn’s sacrifice would save the planet.

Author Bio:

Tracy Auerbach is an author of science fiction and fantasy for teens and adults. As an avid reader with a vivid imagination, she chose to study film, English, and education, and went on to teach and write STEM curriculum for the New York Department of Education. This helped to polish her writing skills and ignite her passion for science fiction and fantasy.

Her first scholarly article, published in Language Magazine, was about the value of active, creative learning in science.
On the fiction side, Tracy’s work has been featured in the online literary journal Micro-horror, The Writing Disorder fiction anthology, and the “(Dis)ability” short story anthology, in addition to her novels.

When she is not teaching or writing, Tracy is usually reading or spending time with her family. She lives in New York with her husband and sons.

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Cover Reveal – Amends: A Psychic Mystery Series by Carissa Andrews

Amends: A Psychic Mystery Series
Carissa Andrews
(A Diana Hawthorne Supernatural Mystery, #2)
Publication date: February 26th 2021
Genres: Adult, Mystery, Urban Fantasy

For as psychic as she is, shit goes sideways far too often around Diana Hawthorne.

Diana now has everything she ever wanted–her memories, and the soul mate she didn’t realize she was missing. There’s just one problem… the old gods expect her to make amends for her absence. And her work starts now.

But time lost at the oracle isn’t the only thing she has to atone for. Her friend Demetri was stripped of his powers–and it was all her fault. If she could just set things right, she’d feel a whole lot better about moving forward. Unfortunately, Demetri wants nothing to do with her and knows exactly how to keep her out of his head.

To make matters worse, in the age of social media, Diana’s abilities have gone viral. People from all over the world are clambering to get on her books. One case, in particular, hits her radar and despite herself, she can’t shake it. A 14-year-old boy is wrapped up with a deadly governmental agency and he’s scared to death. And he should be–they want to weaponize his power.

Torn between what was and what is, Diana struggles to fully embrace who she’s becoming. Will she be able to help Demitri and make things right? Or will her new role mean leaving the past behind?

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Author Bio:

“An author emerges from the depths of Minnesotan waters. Sci-fi/Fantasy is my pen of choice.”

Carissa Andrews is a Minnesota-based genre-bending author who writes a combination of science fiction, fantasy, and dystopia. When not writing her own books, she’s busy reading them.

Carissa’s internationally bestselling trilogy, The Pendomus Chronicles, is now in digital, print, and audiobook formats. She has hit the scene as an up and coming speculative fiction author who uses a mix of scifi and fantasy, twisted in modern mythology and alternative history. Check out The Final Five, Oracle, Awakening, and Love is a Merciless God!

Carissa has big plans for 2020. Check out her upcoming series, The Windhaven Witches.

For more information on their release, visit Carissa Andrews’ author website: and sign up for her newsletter notifications.

She lives in central Minnesota with her husband and brood of five kids. Not to mention, her insane husky puppies, Aztec and Pharaoh.

Carissa is also a freelance graphic designer, writer and content creator, social media manager, and marketing professional. She writes consistently on topics of science, technology, art, writing, photography, graphic design, health, self-improvement, and more. Her articles can be found published across the interwebs. Carissa is also a Top-Rated Freelancer on Upwork, and can be contacted for freelancing opportunities:

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Release Blitz: Curiosity and The Sentient’s Oblation by Zachary Paul Chopchinski

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Curiosity and The Sentient’s Oblation by Zachary Paul Chopchinski

Series: Gabrielle Book #3
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Publication Date: February 27, 2017



The widowed wife of a North Carolina plantation owner, Gabrielle awakens in this life with a broken heart and a sharpened spirit. Living in one of the darkest times in American history, she finds herself running a safe house for the underground railroad during the American Civil War. In order to save a life, Gabrielle must make a sacrifice that could damn her host for eternity.
Everything’s different this time. The rules have changed, Morrigan has changed, and Arawn is more dangerous than ever. He has sent a hunter after Gabrielle and she has to use every ounce of her new powers if she is going to survive.

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Book Review: Rise of the Phoenix by M.R. Ferguson

About the Book:


The US government has initiated nuclear war against its own people. In the chaotic aftermath, survivors were told it was to eradicate the weak and the evil—to strengthen society. Phoenix never believed the excuses.

Painfully mutated after the fallout and having an insatiable thirst for human blood, she puts herself into exile. When a handsome stranger enters her life, his true identity and knowledge of classified secrets will open her eyes to what really happened. She must fight to save the human survivor’s, unite the mutated, and save the President’s life or (WHAT HAPPENS IF SHE FAILS?)

My Thoughts:

 This is a vampire story like no other. Set in a time when the government is trying to make the world perfect with no crime and no rebellion, the after effects of this are disastrous to say the least. The people who survive have turned into vampires, craving blood and with increased strength but not the other abilities we have imagined. those who don’t turn, die due to poisoning.

This story tells us what it’s like to deal with the loss of family, of the ones we loved and of how life as a monster is. I wouldn’t exactly use the word monster, but as usual some vampires are good and some are bad. I guess at the end of the day it is just not possible to get rid of the bad or else the balance is lost.

The story revolves around Phoenix who survives the nuclear explosions and becomes a vampire. She is skilled at stealing things without getting caught and prefers to stay on her own. She ends up meeting Adam who seeks her out for help. His father was the president at the time of the nuclear explosions and before them. He was the public face of the entire thing even though behind the scenes he was against it. Adam runs away from home at a young age and later becomes famous as part of a rock band.

Phoenix and Adam together devise a plan to save his father and what ensues are interesting events. They make some acquaintances with humans who survived after convincing them that they are not going to hurt them. However Phoenix and Adam get captured by the government and thus the story unfolds.

The characters in this story are well thought out and have strong personalities. Each one has a part to play in this first part of the series even if it very small. The story is fast paced and gripping until the end which will leave the reader with a craving for more. The ending of the story is so well written that I am excitedly waiting for the next book in the series.

There is a splash of romance and some strong bonds of friendship that will make us stop and think. I strongly recommend this book for fans of urban fantasy and vampires and any kind of paranormal fiction.

Cover Reveal: Cursed by Fire by Danielle Annett

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Title: Cursed by Fire

Series: Blood & Magic #1

Author: Danielle Annett

Designer: Mae I Design

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Release Date: January 2015

Book Description:

It has been six years since the Awakening and peace in Spokane, Washington is still tenuous at best. The vampires and shifters are all vying for control of the city and the humans seem to be the ones suffering the consequences, or so it seems.

Aria Naveed has spent the last two years of her life fighting to make the many wrongs of the world right, but soon finds out that the humans aren’t as weak as they appear and may be a more terrifying foe than any of the other races combined.

When a stranger rolls into town with trouble on his heels, Aria finds herself trapped in the middle of a battle that could cost her more than she has bargained for as a fight for justice turns into an unexpected fight for her life.

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About the Author:

Danielle Annett is a reader, writer, photographer, and the blogger behind Coffee and Characters. Born in the SF Bay area, she now resides in Spokane, WA, the primary location for her Blood & Magic series.

Addicted to coffee at an early age, she spends her restless nights putting pen to paper as she tries to get all of the stories out of her head before the dogs wake up the rest of the house and vye for her attention.

You can learn more about Danielle on her website found at or follow on on facebook at and on twitter @Danielle_Annett


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“Mike you and I both know that that isn’t going to happen so why don’t you just tell me what fur ball they’re going to saddle me with.” I said as I collected my stack of papers and organized them into a semi-neat pile.

Mike noisily cleared his voice, “Uh hey Ari…”

“God I hope that whoever it is that he isn’t a complete moron. If I’m going to be stuck with a pack partner, the least they can do is send me someone competent.” Mike noisily cleared his throat again.

“What?” I asked, looking up from my desk.

I was greeted by a tall man standing just inside the office, casually leaning against the doorframe. He had tousled brown hair and steely grey colored eyes. High cheekbones and a strong jaw formed his masculine face and a hint of stubble dusted his jaw line, not enough to appear unkempt but just enough to give a roguish impression. Dressed in black jeans, a black T, and a black leather jacket, he oozed tall, dark and handsome with deadly intent.

“That would be this fur ball right here.” He said, an arrogant grin lifting the corner of his mouth. I let my head fall to the surface of my desk, then for good measure I gently knocked my forehead on its smooth surface, one, two, three times. Dammit I couldn’t believe I had just called him a freaking fur ball! I could feel my cheeks warm in embarrassment and did my best to hide it.

“You all done with the show?” He asked as I lifted my head from the desk. I glared at him for good measure and then allowed my head to connect with the desk’s surface once more before sitting up. rubbing the slight sting away “Yea, I’m done.” I told him. Well, at least this wouldn’t be as bad as I had thought. James was the only shifter that I actually personally knew and was one of the few individuals I considered a friend. I met James about six months ago at a shifter bar downtown, though at the time I didn’t actually know that it was a shifter bar.

A group of coyotes had decided I was easy prey and were giving me a pretty hard time. James had intervened before things got out of hand which basically meant that he stopped me from wiping the floor with their coyote asses and burning the entire building to ash. It was probably a good thing that he had stepped in but I remember being furious with him at the time, I had really wanted to give those bastards a piece of my mind and show them that I wasn’t just some naive little girl. That was back when I was still cocky over my abilities. Things had changed since then and the thought was sobering. Now being a pyrokinetic was something I had to hide and honestly, that just plain sucked.

“So, you’re my partner?”

James nodded, his face going serious, “Yea I’m you’re partner, ready to do something reckless?”

I smiled at that, James knew me all to well.


Grabbing my messenger bag I followed James out of the office, aware of Mike’s unapproving gaze on my every step.